Monday 15 February 2016

OPHTHALMOLOGY: Lacrimal system

Lacrimal System

1. In DCR, the opening is made at:
a. Superior meatus 
b. Middle meatus 
c. Inferior meatus
d. all

2. Schirmer’s test is used for diagnosing:
a. Dry eye
b. Infective keratitis 

c. Watering eyes
d. Horner
s syndrome

3. 3 months old infant with watering lacrimal sac on pressing causes regurgitation of mucopus material. What is the appropriate treatment? 
a. Dacryocystorhinostomy
b. Probing

c. Probing with syringing
d. Massage with antibiotics up to age of 6 months 

e. Dacryocystectomy 



At 16 February 2016 at 00:02 , Blogger Dr. Shawn Gaurav said...

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