Tuesday 29 March 2016

MTB STEP 2 CK 3rd Edition

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Monday 28 March 2016


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Saturday 19 March 2016


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Monday 14 March 2016

Quick Review For Pathology

A very good quick review for Pathology
Q & A side by side for revision


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Saturday 5 March 2016

Answers: Glaucoma

1- b
2- c
3- d
4- b



1. Pneumato-tonometer is a type of: 
a. Goniolens 
b. Tonometer 
c. Perimeter
d. Tonography 

2. When there is intumescene of the lens causing glaucoma? 
a. Trephining should be done
b. Paracentesis is indicated
c. Lens should be extracted
d. Glaucoma should be treated medically only 

3. All the following associated open angle glaucoma include all the following except:
a. Roenne’s nasal step
b. Enlarged blind spot 
c. Generalized depression of isopters 
d. Loss of central fields
e. Tubular vision 

4. The treatment of choice for the other eye in angle closure glaucoma is:
a. Surgical peripheral iridectomy
b. Yag laser iridotomy 
c. Trabeculotomy 
d. Trabeculectomy 

5. Topical atropine is contraindicated in: 
a. Retinoscopy in children
b. Iridocyclitis
c. Corneal ulcer
d. Primary angle closure glaucoma 

6. The following type of glaucoma is improved with mydriatics
a. Primary open angle glaucoma.
b. Infantile glaucoma.
c. Phacolytic glaucoma. 
d. Pupillary block glaucoma. 

7. A newly born, presented with big hazy cornea and photophobia. His management begins with:
a. Electrophysiological study of the retina,
b. Syringing of naso-lacrimal duct. 
c. Fluorescein stain to the cornea. 
d. Measuring his ocular tension. 

8. Total unilateral blindness (no PL) is a feature of: 
a. Corneal ulcer
b. Mature senile cataract 
c. Absolute glaucoma
d. Macular degeneration 

9. When visual deterioration in a glaucomatous patient reaches no PL the diagnosis is:
a. Acute congestive glaucoma
b. Chronic congestive glaucoma 
c. Chrome open angle glaucoma 
d. Absolute glaucoma 

10. In acute angle closure glaucoma the pupil is: 
a. Rounded, irreactive and dilated 
b. Pin point constricted
c. Vertically oval dilated
d. Normal sized, reactive 

11. Which of the following conditions need immediate hospitalization? 
a. Central retinal vein occlusion 
b. Open angle glaucoma
c. Denderitic ulcer
d. Acute angle closure glaucoma 

12. Glaucoma field changes included all the following except: 
a. Arcuate scotoma.
b. Hemianopia
c. Enlarged blind spot 
d. Centrocecal scotoma. 

13. In case of buphthalmos we usually find: 
a. shallow anterior chamber 
b. Large Hazy cornea > 13mm. 
c. Leukocoria
d. Occlusio pupille 

14. 100 days glaucoma is seen in: 
a. Central retinal artery occlusion 
b. Central retinal vein occlusion 
c. Neovascular glaucoma
d. Steroid induced glaucoma 

15. Neovascular glaucoma follows: 
a. Thrombosis of central retinal vein 
b. Acute congestive glaucoma
c. Staphylococcal infection
d. Hypertension 
e. Interference of aqueous drainage by Schlemm's canal mechanism. 

16.A one-month old baby is brought with complaints of photophobia and watering. Clinical examination shows normal tear passages and clear but large cornea. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Congenital dacryocystitis 
b. Interstitial keratitis 
c. Keratoconus
d. Buphthalmos 

17. Neovascular glaucoma can be best treated by: 
A. trabeculectomy 
B. pilocarpine
C. panphotocoagulation of retina 
D. timolol maleate 

18. Increased ocular pressure in Buphthalmos causes all of the following except:
a. Stretching of sclera
b. Corneal vascularization 
c. Corneal curvature prominence
d. Rupture of Descemet's membrane 

19. Treatment of choice for fellow eye in angle closure glaucoma is: 
a. Timolol
b. Pilocarpine
c. Yag Laser iridotomy 
d. Surgical iridectomy 

20. Regarding buphthalmos, which is correct 
A. shallow anterior chamber
B. bilateral
C. trabeculectomy is the treatment of choice 
D. small corneal diameter (less than 10mm) 

21. In early glaucomatous cupping, disc is: 
a. Round
b. Oval vertically
c. Oval horizontally 
d. Pinpoint 

22. In a patient with acute glaucoma the prophylactic treatment for other eye is:
a. Peripheral iridotomy
b. Schele's operation 
c. Anterior sclerotomy 
d. Iridenclesisis 

23. All the following anatomical changes will predispose to primary angle closure glaucoma except:
a. Small cornea
b. Flat cornea 
c. Anterior chamber shallow
d. Short axial length of eye ball 

24. You have been referred a case of open angle glaucoma. Which of the following would be an important point in diagnosing the case?
a. Shallow anterior chamber
b. Optic disc cupping 
c. Narrow angle
d. visual acuity and refractive error 

25. Which one of the following drugs is contraindicated in the treatment of primary glaucoma?
a. Pilocarpine
b. Homatropine 
c. Acetazolamide 

d. Timolol 
